Java Pub House

As developers, we have to deal with Exceptions every day (or at least every other day). In this episode we dive a bit on exception (and exception handling), plus we talk about certain behaviors that are not so well-understood (try returning from a finally block, or why exception stack traces sometimes misteriously disappears). A good review for those who already know, and a great primer for those diving into Exceptions, this episode is sure to show some surprises!

(~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (Beer) (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P

It's SUMMER! If you like what you hear, DEFINITIVELY, treat me a beer ! :) (It's the Java pub house after all :)

(~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P (Beer) (~)P (~)P (~)P (~)P


Tweet, Tweet! (!/fguime) Try-with-resources construct

Exception Definition

Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions Debate

More Exception Debates from C vs C++, still a useful read.

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Hey! if you like what you hear, treat me a beer! (It's the Java pub house after all :)

Direct download: JPHE26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06pm CST