Java Pub House

So it's the holidays and now we are winding down the year. Even so, sometimes this is the best time to actually do some performance testing. And there's no better (foss) tool to do so than JMeter! Come and let's dive into how to use JMeter for those stress and performance testing that needs to get done (you're doing stress tests right?)

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Direct download: JPHE69_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40pm CST

Episode 68. Clouding it up with Microsoft Service Fabric

Clouds are everywhere and are puffy! In this Sponsored Episode, we dive into one of the main prominent cloud providers out there (Microsoft), who is outreaching to us Java Developers! (gasp!). In this episode, the Microsoft Service Fabric team (with @mani_ramaswamy, @HuruliS and Raunak Pandya) takes us in a soup-to-nuts tour on how to get started with Azure's service cloud, including what makes it different from others. Bob and I dive and explore how well would this work for us Java folk (and the answer is "very well") taking questions from how to build and deploy cloud, to what native support is there is for us Java Folk .

We thank Microsoft's Service Fabric team for sponsoring this podcast!

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And Follow us! @javapubhouse and @fguime and @bobpaulin

Direct download: JPHE68_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm CST

We sneaked in! Bob and I managed to get into JavaOne (sshhhh....) and made drive-by interviews with some of the luminaries and notable atendees at JavaOne, from Dr. Deprecator @stuartmarks to @reza_rahnman, @edburns, @prpatel, @saturnism, @javaclimber and @shelajev. All in snippets of 10 minute awesomeness talking from deprecation, collections, Eclipse Enterprise for Java, Containerization, and getting Kids involed, it's a great melting pot of topics and opinions!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @fguime and @bobpaulin and @javapubhouse

Direct download: JPHE67_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm CST

So we talked about how to create a rest service (using things like Apache CXF and Spring MVC), but sometimes, we actually need to consume these rest services. Luckily within the Java ecosystem there is a lot of way to skin that cat, and in today's episode we at least cover 4 ways of doing so (including my favorite of the day, Feign). Come take a listen as we dive into Appache HttpComponents, Apache CXF with JaxRS, Spring RestTemplate and Netflix Feign on this fully-loaded episode.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @fguime and @bobpaulin

Direct download: JPHE66_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:31pm CST

What a strange omission, of all the concepts, one that all of us should always have is Caching. We have used it (and most likely we have been burned by it). Come and take a listen on how to correctly (or at least not as incorrectly) think about caching, finding out your "game plan", and using JSR-107, or Hazelcast, or Apache Ignite or Spring. LRU? Time-based? How much memory? Long distribution tails? cacheable keys? All concepts that you should ask before creating/using a cache!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @fguime and @bobpaulin

Direct download: JPHE65_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05pm CST

You heard about it, and you are probably using it already. It is the Spring framework that took over the Web (Spring Boot!). But what makes it so special? and what lurks under the covers? How did it became a thing and what is it really trying to accomplish? Come take a listen with our own Pivotal insider, Michael Minella! (@michaelminella

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @fguime and @bobpaulin

Direct download: JPHE64_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:10pm CST

The Java Content Repository (JSR-170 and JSR-283) have been around for a while. For those who don't know it's an actual way of managing content (or assets, or text, or images, or a catalog). Its use can be almost anything, and yet, we didn't know we had it! The best part? It's a JSR so not just that there are different, compatible implementations, but the underlying storage can be changed in a jiffy. Want to store as files in the filesystem, done. How about a Database? also done. How about using something that the cool kids use like Mongo? It Got you covered man! (or Woman!)

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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And Follow us! @fguime and @bobpaulin

Direct download: JPHE63_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm CST

So let's talk about one of (if not the) largest, and most interesting framework hosted at Apache. Camel is essentially an implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) book (which is a mandatory read for the serious dev!). It has so many contributions (and connections) that there is almost no popular system that it can't connect to. In this episode we dive into the reasoning and "spirit" of Camel, to make sense on how to use it. If you ever used Camel, or have run into camel and scratched your head, then definitively take a listen!

A Big Thanks to LaunchDarkly for sponsoring our podcast! Feature flagging is easy, feature flag management is hard. What LaunchDarkly has done is essentially take a system like Google or Facebook has made in-house and bring this to the masses. With features like percentage rollouts, audit logging, and flag statuses, teams have complete control over features at scale. When you effectively separate business logic from code, you can build better software, faster without the risk

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our cool new NewsCast! Java Off Heap

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Direct download: JPHE62_mixdown.mp3
Category:Patterns -- posted at: 9:38pm CST