Java Pub House (Multithreading)

So we hear about HyperThreading and how it is sooo cool, well, it is and it isn't. If you are really trying to squeeze performance out of your application HyperThreading might not be what you're looking for. There are so many other things that happens at the CPU level that have so weird names (like Thread Thrashing, 'say whaaaat?'). If you are really serious on squeezing every worthy CPU cycle of your app (or if you're interesting on what really really goes under the hood) take a listen! (ah! and treat me a beer, if you like what you hear!)

Twitter! (@fguime)(thanks!)


Hey it's ALMOST SUMMER! and I would love to get a beer :)

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Hey! if you like what you hear, treat me a beer! (It's the Java pub house after all :)

Direct download: JPHE38.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 9:02pm CST

This is a presentation I did for the Chicago Java Users Group on the topic of multithreading. There are some solid foundations in here to start tackling multithreading programming. Some of it might've been already been seen in depth from our other episodes, but in all, it has good foundations for anyone that does multithreading programming.

Twitter! (@fguime)(thanks!)

Hey it's winter (and not too many reasons to be outside, so might as well stay home and drink a few!) If you like what you hear, treat me a beer ! :) (It's the Java pub house after all :) 

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Direct download: JPHE36.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 1:52pm CST

It always starts when you do your first Thread.sleep(). Why do I have to check for InterruptedException? is it serious? why do I have to catch it? We start with answering these questions and step down the rabbit hole to discover the inner workings of Wait/Notify (and what the IllegalMonitorStateException really means). If you ever have to work with more than one thread (who doesn't nowadays?) take a listen! You'll be notify()ed of your success!

Twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter!(!/fguime)

Concurrency Utilities
Thread description from the JVM Specs

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Hey! if you like what you hear, treat me a beer! (It's the Java pub house after all :)

Direct download: JPHE23.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 4:43pm CST

In this podcast we air our first question/feedback from our listener and dive a little into it (related to Dependency Injection). We also talk about how to create Thread Safe objects (There is the easy way, and the hard way). And at last! we have a Google group where you can add/post comments and open discussions.

Our new Google Groups

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Direct download: JPHE11.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 8:40pm CST

In this episode we talk about Threads and Threading, the difference between Daemon and User Threads, and why changing priorities is not for the weak of heart. Also we cover Swing's golden Threading rule (with the Event Dispatching Thread). If you ever typed new Thread(), or if you heard to be careful about Swing and Threading, this episode is for you!

Direct download: JPHE7.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 9:43pm CST

In this podcast we dive into the age-old producer and consumer problem, talked about the different aspects of it (what does it really solve?), and explain the difference between throughput vs latency. Lastly we discuss the ThreadPoolExecutor and how to fine tune it for your particular project needs!

Direct download: JPHE5.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 8:33pm CST

In this episode we describe the most used collections in the Java framework, and how can they help you out. We also talk about maps (and the importance of immutable keys), and the equals/hashcode contract (why are these anyways? :). Finally we discuss how to safely access these collections/maps from different threads (and cover the check-then-act operations in maps). If you used a map, or ever got a ConcurrentModificationException, this episode is for you!

Direct download: JPHE4.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 9:12pm CST

On this Episode, we talk about the keyword "volatile", and what does it really mean. Even if you are a multithreading guru, this chapter goes in deep of the different things that volatile protects you from, including L2 caches and code re-ordering. We also cover the use of synchronized, and why, even though is convenient, it might create more headache than it actually solves.

Direct download: JavaPubHouseEpisode1b.mp3
Category:Multithreading -- posted at: 10:46am CST